Strange.. I feel awkward... I believe that the few days (OK,I'm not gonna lie: the few weeks) that I didn't visit my blog have left a print... I won't say I was busy and neither that I had no inspiration... No... I could do that, but I would feel guilty in the next 3 minutes... So I'll be sincere with myself (and with the 2 or 3 persons that will read this blog and understand it) and I'll affirm without any shyness that I didn't write because... I was happy... Yes..Don't go back to read the sentence again, because you got it right: I was happy (I still am :P)... And this way of being makes you leave everything aside and...(I don't know what...I told you I have everything mixed up in my head :P)... It even feels strange to write about that... I used to think ( stupid me) that the beauty of the written word comes from sadness and sorrow, from the dull state of being that brings you from some other past worlds and memories or maybe from the numbness you have while listening to a silly song, whose lyrics (stupid ones usually) you relate entirely to your own inner life... I got even to the point when I affirmed that I can not write, because I don't have the needed (and from my own words: vital) state of "i have everything, but I still need something more"... Stupid... Damn stupid... It's so reckless to think that the beautiful things can only be relied to sorrow, nostalgia or longing... Hey, love is (let's suppose I finally agree with that) the most beautiful thing in this world and I'm sure that anyone of you can give me an example of movies, poems and, of course, songs that praise it... Can't you? Normally yes... Well, I've finally entered a group whose existence and beliefs I've been denying (somehow)...Yeah, definitely, beauty is made of beauty... And happiness, friendship, (let it be) love and even our entire world can (undoubtedly) be the source of inspiration...
Inspiration it's not a mood, it's not a gift, it's a way of living, and how glade am I that it's your way of living... :)
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