Have you ever asked yourself how many things can 6 seconds change in your life? Well, they can change so many things, that you could get to really understand the meaning of time ( the meaning that every 6 year-old child claims to know, but that not even a grown up can truly get to explain ). 6 moments can change an entire circle of acts, wishes and even thoughts in your life. 6 seconds can even change everything... 6 second that you may use to say the first "I love you" or the last "Goodbye"... seconds in which you may whisper the most undesired and clumsy word or have no confidence to say the most important one... 6 seconds in which you may listen to a last breathing or hear the first one... seconds in which you can pull over the car too soon or... too late... 6 seconds in which you may become loved or hated... seconds in which you may turn your eyes into an "other side" and let pass by your side the "only one"... seconds in which you can receive life as a gift or loose the person you love so much... 6 seconds in which you can find the unbearable truth of life.. Just 6 seconds and you may loose the trust you've earned during years.. seconds to become the best... Time and it's 6 seconds play with us and each of us lets himself dragged into this stupid game that's equal to life itself...
Te-ai intrebat vreodata cat de multe lucruri pot schimba 6 secunde in viata ta? Da... Atat de multe, incat incepi sa intelegi cu adevarat notiunea timpului ( notiune ce o poate formula si un copil de 6 ani, insa pe care n-o cunoaste realmente nici o persoana matura si echilibrata). 6 clipe pot intoarce un circuit intreg de fapte, dorinte si ganduri... In 6 secunde se poate schimba totul... 6 secunde in care poti sopti primul "te iubesc" sau ultimul "Adio"... in care poti spune acel cuvant nedorit si grabit sau omite cel mai vajnic cuvant din viata ta... secunde in care poti percepe o ultima suflare sau simti o prima respiratie a unui nou-nascut... secunde in care poti frana masina prea devreme sau... prea tarziu... in care poti deveni iubit sau detestabil... 6 secunde... in care poti da ochii in jos si lasa sa treaca pe langa tine acel "unic"... in care poti schimba o privire pentru o viata sau o vedere pentru totdeauna... in care poti primi in dar viata sau pierde cel mai scump om... 6 secunde in care poti afla adevaruri nesupuse timpului si vietii... Doar 6 secunde pentru a pierde increderea obtinuta in ani de zile lungi si istovitoare...secunde pentru a deveni cel mai bun... Timpul si cele 6 secunde se joaca cu noi, iar fiecare se presteaza acestui joc stupid si neinteles, ce este egal cu viata...
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